@database SystemPrefs.guide % English version @width 80 @wordwrap @Node Main "SystemPrefs: Contents" == TriTech Developments Proudly Presents == _ _ ______ _ _ __ __ _ (_'\\_/(_' | |_ |\\/| |_)|_)|_ |_ (_' ,_) | ,_) | |__| | | | \\|__| ,_) V3.4 - The System Control Preference Editor - NEW: now 68060 and draco compatible !!! == CONTENTS == 1. @{" Short description " link Kurz} about the program 2.1. @{" Contact address " link Address} of the author 2.2. @{" Copyright " link Copyright} ! READ IT ! 3. @{" Installation " link Install} 4.1. @{" CPU Cache Control " link Cache} Cache settings 4.2. @{" RAMSEY Control " link Ramsey} RAMSEY settings 4.3. @{" CIA Control " link CIA} CIA settings 4.4. @{" The menus " link Menu} 5. @{" 60ns-Mode " link RAM60ns} When can you use it? A.1. @{" FAQ " link FAQ} Troubleshooting A.2. @{" Improvements " link Improve} What's to come? A.3. @{" Known bugs " link Bugs} What bugs are already known? A.4. @{" History " link History} What has happened? A.5. @{" Credits " link Credits} Some regards B. @{" Patches " link Patches} for PatchEditor 1995 Richard K rber - FreeWare - All Rights Reserved @EndNode @Node Kurz "SystemPrefs: 1. Short description" Nowadays, there are many tools to switch the caches or change the custom chip settings. But somehow, none of these tools satisfied my demands. I wanted a program that allows me to change the settings as comfortably as a preference editor, and after the bootup they should be set correctly. "SystemPrefs" is such a tool. It fits between the other preferences editors, and a small CLI program - inserted in the startup-sequence -handles the setup. @EndNode @Node Address "SystemPrefs: 2.1. Contact address" IMPORTANT: Please read the @{" copyright " link Copyright} note first! Write to the following address if you have questions or find a bug: Richard K Hornstra 51465 Bergisch Gladbach Deutschland E-Mail: r.koerber@tfh.dssd.sub.org You can check my WWW home page for the latest release or other stuff: http://www.bg.bib.de/~a2h4ko Note that this page is currently in German and available until September 1996 only! PLEASE use the e-mail address if possible. If you use standard mail, please send DM 5 (or an equivalent amout of other currency) to cover the costs of my reply. Support-Mailbox: NOT ONLY FUN ... ______ _L___________________ ____I~ T ____________ ______________________ T~ / \\ T T | ___/Y / Y T~ / / T| ____________/ \\| | | T | ___/ | | _______/ ____ / H| \\ | | \\_ | l_j | _ T | | \\ | \\/ E| _ ___/ l | _ | | T | l l__ / _l__ | Y | l_ \\ | | | | l_/ / \\ | | | / |\\ | ___ | | / / \\ l____| l________/___j \\___j T I___j_______j________/\\____/\\_________/ [*]=======================l____j==========[PRECiSiON-ADVERTISEMENT]===[*] +49-2204-61630 ZyX 19.2 +49-2204-23856 ZyX 16.8 +49-2204-61499 HSTDS +49-2204-23955 V32.b 24h online, prometheus mailbox system, SysOp: Kiwi Send me a small e-mail if you want to translate the documentation or the catalog file into your language. @EndNode @Node Copyright "SystemPrefs: 2.2. Copyright" SystemPrefs is 1995 @{" Richard K rber " link SystemPrefs.pic/main} . All Rights Reserved. This program is FreeWare. This version of the program archive may be distributed freely as long as the archive remains complete and unchanged. You are allowed to charge a maximum fee of DM 8 (or equivalent) to cover all costs including media. Otherwise written permission from the author is required. I permit including this archive in the Fred Fish library and AmiNet and their CDs. The archive consists of the following files: System The program itself System.info Program icon SystemPrefs-D.guide German documentation SystemPrefs-D.guide.info German documentation icon SystemPrefs-E.guide This documentation SystemPrefs-E.guide.info Documentation icon SystemPrefs-S.guide Swedish documentation SystemPrefs-S.guide.info Swedish documentation icon SystemPrefs.pic Belongs to the guide files Install Commodore Installer script Install.info Installer script icon c/SysPrefs The CLI setup tool libs/provision.library provision library libs/reqtools.library reqtools library catalogs/deutsch/SystemPrefs.catalog The German catalog file catalogs/svenska/SystemPrefs.catalog The Swedish catalog file Usage for fascist or military purposes is FORBIDDEN! You are using this program "as is" and at your own risk. The author (Richard K rber) is not responsible for any damanges, including (but not limited to) hard- or software damages or data loss. All rights reserved. Please delete this program and all related files if you do not agree with these copyright notes. reqtools.library is Nico Fran ois. (Available on Fish Disks) provision.library is Richard K rber. AmigaGuide is Commodore-Amiga. (e.g. Fish Disk #920) DraCo is MacroSystem. @EndNode @Node Install "SystemPrefs: 3. Installation and Program Start" AmigaOS 2.04 is required to use this program. locale.library should be installed if you want to take advantages of localization. SystemPrefs will be installed by the Commodore installer. First start your Workbench, then the Installer script. You can use a floppy disk or hard drive as the destination. The prefs editor is copied in the prefs/ drawer and the startup program is copied into C:. You have to change the startup-sequence so that it calls the startup program at bootup. Load the "S:startup-sequence" using a text editor, then insert the line "SysPrefs >NIL:" right before the "IPrefs" line. After that, you can save the startup-sequence. The installation now completed. SystemPrefs can be started from Workbench by double-clicking its icon, or from the shell. The shell will be released immediately after starting SystemPrefs and can execute further commands or even be closed. @EndNode @Node Cache "SystemPrefs: 4.1. CPU cache control" You can control the processor caches using the "CPU cache control" field. Instruction Cache Toggles the instruction cache. It should normally be activated. Only self-optimizing code could cause problems. (68020+) Data Cache Toggles the data cache. This one will normally be activated. (68030+) Instruction Burst Toggles instruction burst. (68030) Data Burst Toggles data burst. This mode should normally be turned off on Amiga 3000. (68030) Write Allocate A special bus mode. You can gain a little more speed if you turn it off, but usually your system will crash! Therefore, this gadget is only available in expert mode. (68030-60) Copyback Only available on 68040. It gains more speed, but some programs do not work correctly. Though the OS is used to turn it on or off, on some Amigas it is not possible to switch CopyBack off. VBR to Fast-RAM With this gadget enabled, the processor's vector registers are copied into Fast RAM. This gains a (very) little more speed, but causes lots of problems with games, demos and some tools. (68010+, but not Draco) Branch Cache This is a new 68060's cache that predicts and stores branches. Superscalar With this gadget enabled, the 68060's superscalar modus will be activated. Store Buffer If this mode is enabled, the 68060 tries to join multiple byte accesses to a longword access. Half Inst Cache This mode reduces the 68060's instruction cache to half size, which is the size of the 68040's cache. Half Data Cache This mode reduces the 68060's data cache to half size, which is the size of the 68040's cache. The new settings will take effect after you exit the program with "Save" or "Use". IMPORTANT!!! If you turn off Write Allocate, you should use the "Use" gadget to check it out before saving settings. Make sure that there is no drive activity when you do this. IMPORTANT!!! Never change the VBR mode while Enforcer is running. The system will hang for technical reasons! @EndNode @Node Ramsey "SystemPrefs: 4.2. RAMSEY control" With this field you control the RAMSEY chip built in Amiga 3000 and Amiga 4000. There must be RAMSEY version F installed, otherwise this group will be desactivated. 60ns-RAM Puts RAMSEY into 60ns RAM access mode. This mode is quite dangerous and is therefore turned off by default. You can change it only in expert mode. See the "60ns-RAM" chapter for more details. This mode is always desactivated on DraCo. WARNING: When changing this mode, your system may crash! @EndNode @Node CIA "SystemPrefs: 4.3. CIA control" This field controls the CIA modes: Audio filter Turns the audio filter (and the power LED) on and off. On an Amiga 1000, this only toggles the LED. This mode is always desactivated on DraCo. @EndNode @Node Menu "SystemPrefs: 4.4. The menus" The editor has the following menu items: Project About... Some information about the program System Info... Some information about your system Open... Opens a preference file Save as... Saves a preference file Quit Quits the preference editor Reset To Defaults Resets with the default settings Last Saved Resets with the last saved settings Restore Resets with the last used settings Read Current Hardware Sets with the current hardware status. Settings Expert Mode Enables expert mode. Some critical parameters can then be changed. Always Read Hardware If this item is checked, the current hardware settings are used after launch, instead of stored settings. @EndNode @Node RAM60ns "SystemPrefs: 5. The 60ns RAM mode" The 60ns RAM mode lets RAMSEY make fast RAM accesses with 60ns access time, whereby your system will gain up to 10% more speed! However, your fast RAM must be designed for 60ns RAM accesses for this mode to work. The tolerances of some 70ns SIMMs are high enough. You have to try it out (your Amiga cannot usually be damaged by this experiment). Turn the 60ns RAM mode on and press "Use" (you cannot undo a "Save"d configuration easily if this experiment fails!). Make sure that no harddisk and disk accesses occur if you press "Use"! If your Amiga crashes immediately or does not work reliably, your RAM is too slow for this mode. You should leave it turned off or buy 60ns RAM. If this experiment fails, you should switch off your Amiga for a few seconds, because 60ns RAM mode survives a simple reset. Otherwise, you seem to be a lucky owner! Anyway, you should test your Amiga for a while before you store this mode using "Save". @EndNode @Node FAQ "SystemPrefs: A.1. FAQ" The system crashes during bootup and cannot be restarted with a reset after that. You have activated the 60ns RAM mode and saved this setting, but your RAM is not fast enough. Switch your Amiga off and on. Press both mouse buttons to get to the early boot menu and start your workbench without executing the startup-sequence. Now, enter the following line into the shell: "delete envarc:sys/system.prefs" and reboot. After I plugged more SIMMs in my Amiga, the 60ns mode does not work any more. This is normal! You have to turn this mode off! Using the 60ns-RAM mode, my system crashes sometimes/permanently. If you do not use 60ns RAM in the internal RAM banks, the RAM accesses are out of the tolerance time of your SIMMs. You should buy some 60ns RAM or leave this mode turned off. The 60ns-RAM mode has no effect. This mode only works in conjunction with a RAMSEY chip Version F, used only in some Amiga 3000s and the AGA machines. The system crashes if I turn off Write Allocate mode. This mode very seldom works, and usually gains no speed. Better leave it turned on. The burst modes have no effect. Because of a construction fault in the Amiga 4000, the burst modes do not gain any speed. :-( The Copyback mode has no effect. The cobyback mode only works on a 68040. Use with an Amiga 4000 does not gain much speed. I cannot turn off the Copyback mode. This is a fault of the OS, since SystemPrefs uses the appro- priate OS call only. Since I set VBR to fast RAM, some players, games and demos crash. This is the side effect of this function. Some demos, games and music players write directly to the vector registers without checking the VBR. If you have trouble with this mode, then turn it off or use tools like "RunLame". How can I get the highest speed out of my Amiga? 68020,68030: Turn on all cache and burst modes 68040: Turn Copyback on 68060/DraCo: Turn on branch cache, superscalar and store buffer Set VBR to fast RAM (68010+) Enable 60ns RAM (buy 60ns RAM if necessary) Turn off Write-Allocate (if possible) @EndNode @Node Improve "SystemPrefs: A.2. Improvements" I plan the following improvements for my next release: External cache switching (does anybody REALLY need this?) ROM -> fast RAM ARexx port Commodity support ToolType support Please do NOT consider this list as obligatory. @EndNode @Node Bugs "SystemPrefs: A.3. Known bugs" SystemPrefs was tested on the following Amigas: A4000/o3o (MMU,FPU) , Kick 3.0 ,10 MB RAM (8F/2C), 1GB HD, Fastlane, MaestroPro, CyberVision 4MB A4000/o3o (MMU,FPU) , Kick 3.0 , 6 MB RAM (4F/2C), 400MB HD, Emplant, MaestroPro A3000/o3o (MMU,FPU) , Kick 3.1 ,10 MB RAM (8F/2C), 1,4GB HD, MaestroPro, CyberVision 4MB A4000/o3o , Kick 3.0 , 6 MB RAM (4F/2C), 261MB HD A500/ooo , Kick 2.04, 3 MB RAM (2F/1C), 42MB HD, GVP Series II host adapter DRACO/o6o These bugs are currently known: An Enforcer hit occures after startup from Shell. It is harmless, but it will be hard work to correct it... @EndNode @Node History "SystemPrefs: A.4. History" V3.4 Released on 1995-11-06 Bugfix: on 68060 based systems, "68040" was displayed as FPU Swedish translation [Staffan Palmroos] V3.3 Released on 1995-10-26 Bugfix: Fastmode couldn't be changed [Andreas Goiczyk, Raphael Pilarczyk, Ralf Hochheiden] V3.2 Released on 1995-10-14 Removed an enforcer hit that occured on startup [Henning Friedl] By mistake, VBR was always moved, even if not necessary [Henning Friedl] DraCo: 68040 based DraCo is supported now Implemented a System Info requester "Always read hardware" implemented V3.01 Released on 1995-07-21 Removed bug in the 68060 CACR read routine 68060's half cache size implemented Rearranged cache buttons V3.00 Released on 1995-07-11 68060 support DRACO support Removed bug in ProVision: window did not open if proportional font had been used. Window is font sensitive Gadgets without function will be desactivated Improved hardware set routines V2.20 Released on 1995-06-18 Window position is stored No more error requesters if config file could not be opened V2.15 Released on 1995-05-14 Crashed when a library was missing Using PhxLnk V2.11 Released on 1995-03-23 English translation of the German docs V2.10 Released on 1995-02-09 VBR -> fast RAM added V2.00 Released on 1995-02-06 Localized (English, German) AmigaGuide documentation written V1.47 Released on 1994-06-05 Font-sensitive GUI V1.21 Released on 1994-04-21 Expert Mode included Filter can be toggled V1.00 Released on 1994-04-11 Cache and FastMode switchable @EndNode @Node Credits "SystemPrefs: A.5. Credits" I wish to thank... Sven Arke for his support with his mailbox Henning Friedl from MacroSystem for his kind support (68060 and Draco) Rodney Hester for his correction of my English translation (a really hard job ;) Staffan Palmroos for his translation into the Swedish language (thanks!) Frank Wille for the best Amiga assembler (PhxAss!) Dietmar Eilert for GoldEd Nico Fran ois for reqtools.library Amiga Technologies GmbH for the near Amiga revival! You're doing a great job, guys! :-) _ _ // \\X/ -- Amiga -- Motorola Inside... -- @EndNode % I love my "girl friend" :-) % IMPORTANT NOTE to translators: The following two words "Localization" and % "Process name" must be English! Don't translate this lines! @Node Patches "SystemPrefs: D. Patches" You can change the following parameters using "PatchEditor" (available from my support mailbox): Localization Turns localization on or off. If off, System Prefs uses the built-in language (English) only. Default: on Process name Name of the program (default "SystemPrefs") Note that you are not allowed to distribute a program that has been modified by PatchEditor. @EndNode